Thursday, 6 September 2007

Secret Garden - Jardim Secreto

It’s been a while and people used to live by rivers with clean crystal waters. So crystal, in fact, that Narcissi fall for himself and people used to take baths with no soap. Green was omnipresent, so it was that almost looked like a blur. Trees winded around the river bank, some shedding themselves over its bed.
Rivers like this used to fed an infinity of little creeks and streams that spread themselves like serpents over the lands surrounding; creating vertiginous pathways, hidden labyrinths full of mystery and magic.
Behind the rocks, little gnomes would hide themselves and play jokes on the passers-by whilst fairies would decorate the landscape with shining stars and golden beams.
It seems like it was a long time ago… But in Earth’s history, places like this, have existed until yesterday, when smoking clouds spread over their green blur, waters became dark as oil and the fairies and gnomes ran away.

But magic places like this can’t get contaminated; they don’t disappear, nor die eternally. There is something about their magic that keeps them alive, even remotely and anyone of us can find them over and over again, for we come from the same fountain, we have the same origin and if we can stay connected to our instincts we will always be attracted back to them.

It was another day when I found a place like this just around the corner…

Já faz tempo e as pessoas moravam a beira de rios límpidos de águas claras e cristalinas. Tao cristalinas que nelas Narciso se apaixonou por si próprio e as pessoas se banhavam sem sabão. O verde era onipresente, tanto que visto de longe quase parecia um grande borrão. As árvores contornavam suas margens, algumas derramavam-se chorosas sobre seu leito, como se quisessem beber de suas águas. Rios assim alimentavam uma infinidade de pequenos riachos e corregos que se estendiam como serpentes por toda extensão das terras em volta, formando caminhos vertiginosos, labirintos escondidos cheios de mistério e magia. Por traz das pedras escondiam-se pequenos gnomos, que gostavam de pregar truques nos passantes e fadas que decoravam a paisagem com estrelas brilhantes e raios dourados durante.

Parece muito tempo… Mas na historia da Terra lugares como este existiram ate ontem e nuvens de fumaça se espalharam por seus verdes campos, as águas ficaram negras como óleo e as fadas e gnomos fugiram.

Mas lugares mágicos como este não são contaminados, não somem do mapa nem morrem eternamente. Há algo em sua magia que os mantém vivos mesmo que remotamente e qualquer um de nos pode encontra-los novamente, pois viemos da mesma fonte, temos as mesmas origens e se conectados aos nossos instintos sempre seremos atraídos de volta para eles.

Outro dia encontrei um lugar desses ali na esquina…

1 comment:

proxikid said...

It's intriguing what dark waters are hiding. you know that when you see a muddy pond it has a story to tell, and usually it's dark and mysterious. Murky waters don't move and not moving makes them stagnated and dull, hence they collect stories. you should sit on the bench by that fallen tree and listen to what it has to tell. listen. it will whisper you its story. bit by bit. it has everything in it- the opera singer and the council estate kid and old lady and my camera and a frinedly laugh and young couple making out and stranger being pushed into the water and a shopping trolley and frog and a butterfy and....
you just need to listen.