Thursday 6 September 2007

Notting Hill Carnival

Fim do dia no Noting Hill Carnival

Walking back to the tube at the end of the day I took this picture from the Notting Hill Carnival that happened here in London a couple of weeks ago...

Interesting experience...

As every carnival it is a street fest to celebrate the liberation from constrains. But its origin is totally different from the Brazilian carnival, which is associated to the Easter traditions. The carnival here is actually Caribbean and celebrates the end of slavery in England.

It's not comparable to the Brazilian sibling, which is by far the biggest and most fantastic fest of its genre in the world. But this happening has brought up in me some memories from the one back in my own homeland... Loads of people on the streets, dancing and drinking, some groups dressed up in costumes, electric music trucks and even a Maracatu made in Brazil.

Caminhando ateh o tube no fim do dia tirei essa foto do Notting Hill Carnival que aconteceu aqui em Londres ha algumas semanas...

Experiencia interessante.

Como todo carnaval eh uma festa de rua que celebra a liberacao das amarras. Mas a origem eh totalmente diferente do Brasileiro que esta associado a tradicao da Pascoa no calendario cristao. O carnaval daqui eh na verdade caribenho e celebra a abolicao da escravidao na Inglaterra.

Claro que nao se compara ao carnaval brasileiro, que eh de longe a maior e mais fantastica festa do genero no mundo, mas este pequeno acontecimento (pequeno comparado ao tamanho do nosso de proporcoes nacionais) evocou em mim muitas lembrancas do nosso exemplar brazuca... Muita gente na rua, dancando e bebendo, alguns blocos de pessoas vestidas a carater, tendas com comidas tipica, trio eletrico e ateh um Maracatu made in Brazil. Mais fotos

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