Wednesday 15 August 2007

And two months have gone…\E lah se foram dois meses…

Summer has passed and we didn’t even see it. Some people said there has never been such a miserable summer. Some people said we were all on denial, English summer has always been miserable. A friend asked me the other day, “So, what days was summer this year?” But lets be honest, London is not London without rain: it makes the complete package and the sun looks greater whenever it appears.

Slowly I see friends coming back from the Mediterranean. I was white because of winter, but still browner than anyone else. Now I’m yellow, compared to those who went to enjoy the sun on a greek island or an Italian village. I’ve watched the city moving, fluttering, sleeping and waking up. People going away and coming back. A brief stay. Stay forever.

It was worth it.

I needed some months to concentrate. Stay a little quiet, focused on my objectives, plans, day by day. And then go through one more change…

New house. New job. New Beginning.

Life keeps on moving and I am F… excited about it!

O verao passou e a gente nem viu. Teve gente dizendo que nunca se teve verao tao miseravel. Teve gente dizendo que estavamos todos em denial, verao ingles sempre foi miseravel. Uma amiga minha me perguntou outro dia, “Entao? Que dia caiu o verao esse ano?”. Mas verdade seja dita, Londres nao eh Londres sem chuva: faz o pacote ficar completo e o sol mais bonito quando aparece.

Aos poucos vejo os amigos voltarem do mediterraneo. Mesmo branca do inverno eu era a mais morena entre todos. Agora estou mais amarela perto daqueles que foram aproveitar dias de sol numa ilha grega ou numa vila italiana. Vi a cidade se mexer, remexer, dormir e acordar. Gente saindo, voltando. Ficando de passagem. Chegando pra sempre.

Valeu a pena.

Foi preciso alguns meses de concentracao. Ficar um pouco quieta, focar nos objetivos, nos planos, no dia a dia. E assim passar por mais uma mudanca…

Nova casa. Novo emprego. Novo comeco.

Life keeps on moving and I am F… excited about it!


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